Sunday, June 5, 2011

Working at the Clovis Online School, Part 5

With my last post about working at the Clovis Online School, I wanted to talk about course management software. As a master's student at Cal Poly Pomona in Educational Multimedia and as a teaching credential student at Fresno State, I have experienced Blackboard on the student end, but not the instructor end. As a teacher at the Clovis Online School, I have used Moodle on the instructor end. This experience has helped to create student-centered lessons and activities as I have experienced both ends of course management software. It would be even more beneficial if I had the chance to experience the student end in Moodle and the instructor end in Blackboard. To experience a whole class would be the most beneficial.

Both Blackboard and Moodle have much to offer in both aspects. Both these management systems have various functions to be utilized by instructors to develop engaging and constructive classes. I would like to learn more about Moodle's learning capacities to develop stronger classes at my current position as an online high school graphic design and technology instructor. My master's thesis project will be focused on building more student-centered, constructive courses at the high school level and beyond.

Thank you for reading my blog and stay tunes for more posts in the near future!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Working at the Clovis Online School, Part 4

As we are close to ending our second year as a fully-functional online high school, I wanted to reflect on an important new addition that was made to the Clovis Online School in the 2010-2011 school year. We had somewhat of a computer lab in our inaugural year, but it was in the back of our main office. There were many students looking for assistance in completing assignments for their classes on the technical side. Most of the assignments that students complete have to be uploaded to our Moodle page. Some students have issues with this technology and other related problems. If students have problems with content, they are directed to their teachers for solutions. Also, there are school laptops available for students to work on assignments. Some students do not have sufficient computers to use at home and they have access to reliable computers in the lab.

This school year, our school opened a room to be used as a computer lab. We also hired a person to supervise students and make sure they keep on task. The hours are listed above on the computer to the left. This was successful as it was utilized all year long and gave students a chance to stay on top of work, catch up or excel on their assignments. I am sure it will used again next year as an aid for student success. Til' next post!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Working at the Clovis Online School, Part 3

As we are about to finish our second full school year in existence, there are questions about what course management system we are going to maintain for next school year. I have heard comments that we will upgrade to the newest Moodle Version 2.1. I have also heard that we may simplify to another less-detailed system. This summer proves to be a crucial time for our school as we transition to new school management and possibly a whole new course management system. My master's thesis project was going to focus on creating multimedia rich courses for my current subjects of Computer Technology and Graphic Design to aid student retention using Moodle as well as If the course management system changes at our school, my project focus will have to change also. We have used the Moodle-PB Works system since our inception in 2009 at Clovis Online School, and for my project I was going to expand on the current technology after reviewing scholarly articles on how to create online courses best suited to aid student retention. The future is unknown currently at the school, but I know either way I will develop a project to better serve my students as well as serving the educational community. Til' next post!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Working at the Clovis Online School, Part 2

Recruitment for the Clovis Online School comes from many different avenues. Students that may have not done well at other institutions, may want to try an online environment. Counselors from traditional high schools in the local district may refer students that need a change of pace. Community events that provide space for promotion has helped get the name out and reach out to students and parents.
Marketing for the school is crucial and has been cut due to budget concerns. The 2011-2012 school year will mark the third year of existence for the school. The school started during the recession in 2009 and continues to gain steam. A new direction in administration will be implemented after the 2010-2011 school year comes to a close . Founder and Principal, Rob Darrow is retiring from K-12 education to pursue other educational endeavors. This will be a crucial time for the Clovis Online School. What will be the new marketing plan to recruit more students? Will it change? I hope to know the answer to this soon. Stay tuned for Part 3...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Working at the Clovis Online School, Part 1

I have worked in an online high school environment for the last 2 school years at the Clovis Online School based in Clovis (Central California). The school opened up in August 2009 with about 50 students enrolled. I was hired as a part-time computer applications/technology teacher. In 2009, we only offered courses to 9th and 10th graders with a goal of offering courses for 9th-12th grade the following year (which was successful). The first year was crucial for the school as we as teachers had to learn to teach effectively in an online environment. My teaching experience was limited at that time, so I was learning to teach also. I took courses at Fresno State to aid me in the whole process, which turned out well. Before this teaching job, I had worked as a graphic designer/marketing associate in a corporate environment as well as freelance. With this crucial experience, I was offered various side jobs from the school to help with brand identity and marketing. I created the school's logo which is pictured above. I also helped create posters for identity at "The Big Hat Days" and Fresno State's "Vintage Days," which are 2 major events in the area. I also worked at the booth to help promote the school. Since we are a public charter school, tuition is free, so we need students to attend to get money from the State to fund the school.

I will continue to talk about my experiences at the school in the next few posts, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thing #20, Digital Storytelling

I think Digita.l Storytelling is a great resource for education. I hadn't heard of it until COSOTI. Using photos and narration,a digital story can be told. I would like to create a story sometime in the future. Here's a few links to stories that I found at Story Center: Running, Untitled, I Think of You, past tense and The Mountain. These stories can be used for a variety of subjects in education.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thing #19, Audio/Video Tools

I am no stranger to audio as I am a musician and I have experience recording. I've used N-track for years and it is pro quality recording software that is inexpensive. I am new to video and I want to learn more. I went to the Animoto site and found it to be very useful. Here's what I came up with pretty fast. I hope you enjoy!