Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thing #20, Digital Storytelling

I think Digita.l Storytelling is a great resource for education. I hadn't heard of it until COSOTI. Using photos and narration,a digital story can be told. I would like to create a story sometime in the future. Here's a few links to stories that I found at Story Center: Running, Untitled, I Think of You, past tense and The Mountain. These stories can be used for a variety of subjects in education.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thing #19, Audio/Video Tools

I am no stranger to audio as I am a musician and I have experience recording. I've used N-track for years and it is pro quality recording software that is inexpensive. I am new to video and I want to learn more. I went to the Animoto site and found it to be very useful. Here's what I came up with pretty fast. I hope you enjoy!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Thing #18, Podcasts

Finding a quality podcast can be a tedious process. I ran into many feeds that were outdated and were still listed. Some of the links didn't even have any posts at all. I did find a good one. It is called CNN Student News. The podcast contains world news specifically directed to middle and high school students. The posts are up-to-date and CNN is definitely a trusted source. This podcast can be used for a variety of subjects.

Thing #17, Online Videos

Online videos are a great resource. They are usually included in most websites these days. I choose a video of photos from a photographer from a Clovis High football game. I was there on the sidelines as a coach. I liked the action shots and the photographer did a great job. I definitely want to explore more videos sites like Teacher Tube and see what they have to offer.